AsherMobile Solutions Apps

Triangle Calculator 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Simple Application to solve for missing parameters (sides/angles)for triangle.
Age Calculator 2.0.2
AsherMobile Solutions
Easy and Useful App to calculate your age Feature:>>Calculate your age in years, months and days. >>Findout how many Month and days to go for your next birthday.>>Calculate total days between any two dates. >>Findout on which day you were born and which day is your next birthday>>Share your accurate age with your buddies. This App is adsupported. ★ Have Suggestions or Issues? and you'll get a prompt response.
File Download Time Calculator 2.0.2
AsherMobile Solutions
Want to know how long does it take to download a big files
Prime Number Finder 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Prime Finder App can be used to check the number is a prime numberor not.
EMI Calculator 3.0
AsherMobile Solutions
Simple and Handy App for Calculating Equated Monthly Installment(EMI) for Home Loan/Housing Loan/Car Loan/Personal Loan. You cancalculate EMI by inputting Loan amount, duration in months andInterest rate. Key Features: - Calculate EMI with statistics - SaveEMI details - Displays Repayment details - Calculates and DisplaysYearly Interest and Principles in form of Graphs - Good Usabilityand Rich UI - App Available for FREE to use This App is adsupported. ★ Have Suggestions or Issues? and you'll get a prompt response.
Discount Calculator 1.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Easy and Useful App to calculate the discounted price of an item.Saves times while shopping. Features: > Sales tax is included inthe discount caluclations >Discounted item price along with thetotal saved amount This App is ad supported. ★ Have Suggestions orIssues? Email: and you'll get a promptresponse.
Hexa To Binary Converter 1.2
AsherMobile Solutions
This app converts the numbers from hexadecimalto binary system. The app can covert both floats(Eg:12A3.5FE4) as well as Integers(Eg:12AA) values.★ Have Suggestions or Issues?Email ashermobilesolutions@gmail.comand you'll get a prompt response.
Non Linear Solver Free 3.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Scientific tool/solver to solve single variable non-linearequations (NLS).
2048 Puzzle 1
AsherMobile Solutions
2048 game - a simple logically, but difficult to master puzzlegame. Help you relax and have fun. The playing field is a square4x4. ★ HOW TO PLAY: Swipe (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move thetiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge intoone tile with double value ( two tiles of 2 merge into 4). When2048 tile is created, you wins! 2..... 4......8 .....16 .....32......64......128......256.......512.....1024 ..... 2048 This Appis ad supported. ★ Have Suggestions or Issues? and you'll get a prompt response.
Octal To Binary Converter 1.2
AsherMobile Solutions
This app converts numbers from octal tobinarysystem. The app can covert both Integers(Eg:165) as well asfloats(Eg:154.64).★ Have Suggestions or Issues?Email and you'll get apromptresponse.
1st Differential Solver Free 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Scientific tool/solver to solve “Single Variable Non-Linear FirstOrder Ordinary Differential Equations”. The app is very useful forengineers, scientists, economists to study the behaviour of anon-linear system encountered in practical problems. The appcomputes the value of dependent variable at a given value ofindependent variable (with given initial values of dependent andindependent variable).The relationship between dependent andindependent can be visualized using the “Plot” function. Theresults along with the “Plot” can be sent to any e-mail id by using“Send e-mail” option. The app has a very rich and is veryuser-friendly UI (user interface). The results can be sent to anye-mail id by using “Send e-mail” option in main menu. Please readthe Equation format specified in help before attempting to solvecomplex non-linear equations. The free version of the app can befound at App is ad supported. ★ Application areas: Some of theapplications areas are: Physics and sciences Engineering Financeand Economics Industry Research ★ Who should buy this app?-Researchers -Engineers -Engineering students -Science students ★Why buy this app? - Solves differential equation in quick time -Reduces time in calculations. - Reduces effort and time inresearch. ★ Tips and Notes: - It is always recommended that theuser’s uses as smaller difference in final and initial X aspossible to get “Higher accuracy” and “Better Resolution in Plot”.This can be done using the step process as described below. - Forexample to find value of Y at 10 with initial value of X as 0 and Yas 0 for dY/dX=Cos(X)*Sin(X). To get higher accurate results splitthe range of 10 into 2 “steps” (0 to 5 and 5 to 10). For firststep, enter the function and initial value of X as 0 and Y as 0 andfinal value of X as 5. Click “Calculate” to find value of Y at X=5as “0.45976788”. Now for second step, enter the function andinitial value of X as 5 and Y as 0.45976788 and final value of X as10. Click “Calculate” to find value of Y at X=5 as “0.14979482”. -When the app returns a “NaN”, either the (i) Y value doesn’t existat the final X or (ii) range is too large, try reducing thedifference in initial and final X and use the step processdescribed above (this is especially needed for functions with largecurvature like tan and log). - Based on capability and limitationsof Android system the maximum difference in initial and final X for“Calculate” and “Plot” as fixed as “50” and “30” respectively. ForY at a range greater than 30, use the step process described above.(For larger ranger of 400 and 100 for calculation and plotting,Please try Paid App) ★ Have Suggestions or Issues? and you'll get a prompt response.
2nd Differential Solver Free 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Scientific tool to solve Non-Linear Second Order OrdinaryDifferential Equations
Number System Converter 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Number System Converter is a tool which allows you to convert anumber for one number system to other three number systems. Forexample the app can convert a binary system number to hexadecimalsystem, octal system, and decimal system. The app can covert bothfloats (Eg:123.54) and Integers(Eg:121) values. This App is adsupported. ★ Have Suggestions or Issues? and you'll get a prompt response.
Fraction Converter 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
A Simple App for conversion between Mixed fraction, Improperfraction and decimal format. Very useful App for school and collegestudents. This App is ad supported. ★ Have Suggestions or Issues?Email and you'll get a promptresponse.
Polynomial Solver Free 2.1.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Easy to use tool to find the roots of polynomial equation upto 4thdegree.
Decimal To Binary Converter 1.1
AsherMobile Solutions
This app converts numbers from decimal to binary system
Prime Factorization 2.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Prime Factorization app converts the given number into product ofprime numbers
LCM & GCD Calculator 1.0.1
AsherMobile Solutions
A Simple App to calculate LCM and GCD up to 50 numbers.
BMI,BMR and Fat % Calculator 3.5.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Easy and Useful App to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)
Curve Fitting Tool Free 1.1
AsherMobile Solutions
Scientific tool to fit given data to various non-linear equations